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L-Track Massage
As developments in massage chairs continued to improve, the S-Track massage that we know and love was upgraded to the L-Track. The L-Track has been around for a few years and demonstrates the ability to travel down the spine as well as under the seat to reach the glutes and hamstrings. That chair was an Inada, the first manufacturer to offer an L-Track prototype.
Inada took time to perfect their chair, and as a result, Infinite Therapeutics, or Infinity, introduced the Iyashi model, which became the first commercially available L-Track massage chair.
More and more models have come out since then, and the MaxTrack found in the new Ohco M.8 Series extended from that original L-Track design to create an even better experience. This innovation has been one of the most significant improvements in massage chair history and allows for a much more full-body massage experience.

S-Track vs. L-Track
When you’re comparing an S-Track to an L-Track, think of it this way. The L-Track is an extension of the S-Track, which extends the length of the track to attend to the glutes and the top of the hamstrings. It’s still one continuous roller track that mimics the shape of your spine like an S-Track does.
The rollers work the glutes, piriformis, and hamstrings just as thoroughly as the neck, mid-back, and lower back where an S-Track rollers can’t reach and are only massaged by the airbags.
If you suffer from tight or sore glutes, or if you have piriformis syndrome or sciatica, an L-Track massage chair is going to be your best bet.
And remember, when you choose an L-Track you aren’t going to miss out on the benefits of an S-Track. After all, an L-Track is just an extension, and if you choose the MaxTrack, you’ll enjoy the L-Track benefits with the addition of being able to lie totally flat in the chair.


S8 Model is SL track , Combine the advantages of the S- Track and L-Track